This is your opportunity to “Ask Emily”, how she continues to defy all odds in her recovery process and she will share her beautiful soul, complete authenticity, courageous hope and depth of knowledge with you.
Your Guide
Emily Annis
Emily faced death, was left on ice and the doctors were ready to pull the plug after she suffered a stroke at only 28 years of age, in 2009. Thought to die or at best be a vegetable, Emily fought to escape the prison of her own mind and continues to defy all odds still today.
Simply fill out the contact page below to have your question submitted to Emily and she will incorporate it into the “Ask Emily” Q&A newsletter or on this blog either in writing or audio.
We are so happy to have you be a part of our family. You can also Share Your Story and be featured on our website platforms or even be requested to be a guest on our podcast.